20GB Data (Unlimited Calls) Biz LTE/5G

Data Volume
20GB Unlimited Data
Unlimited use of internet at low speed even after monthly data volume limit.
Voice Plan
'Unlimited Calls' voice addon Included
(Unlimited Limited to domestic calls) ※3
Monthly Tariff
(HAPPY Campaign) ※1
(tax included ¥3,575)
Bundle Offers
(Gift Offers & discounts) ※2

◉ Apply Credit Card/ VISA with credit value ~¥100,000.)

◉ HIKARI Internet Discount ¥12,000 (¥1,000 on monthly for 1 year)

◉ FREE Monthly World TV GO/IPTV Subscription

LTE/ 5G Softbank Network
MNP Support
Call Charge
Unlimited domestic calls included
SMS Charges

¥4 Per Domestic SMS

¥100 Per International SMS

Additional/ Optional Services ※3

◉ Additional Data at ¥1,000/ GB (same month use)

Add-on PLAN
(Extra SIM for Family on data share)


Initial Registration fee
(tax included ¥3,850)
Minimum Contrat Term
1 Year
Payment failure Penalty ※1
¥700 /month per transaction
(tax included ¥770)
PLAN Cancellation fee
¥10,000 if Cancled before contract term.
(tax included ¥11,000)
Refundable Deposit ※4
Applicable if Rental Phone/ device are requested
Latest Phone on EMI Payments
EMI Payment Options from 1 to 3 Years
Monthly Tariff for Data Plan only
(tax included ¥1,980)

Monthly Plan at


(tax included ¥3,575)

'Unlimited Calls' voice addon Included (Unlimited Limited to domestic calls) ※3
  • ※1. HAPPY Campaign tariff is applicable with conditions where Customer must have Bankauto or Credit card registered for payment & Payment failure will cost penalty ¥700 per transaction.
  • ※2. Bundle Offers are applicable only for NITV users who signup with NITV Hikari Internet & Mirailife Credit Card.
  • ※3. Only domestic calls are Free within free calls plan/talk time but some paid access numbers & Navi Dial shall cost additional fee per minute.
  • ※4. Rental device Lost or damaged or not returned on-time shall cost full device cost.