(How to request disclosure of personal data, etc.)
- お問い合わせ窓口
ニュー・アイテイー・ヴェンチャー株式会社 (以下、「当社」といいます。) は、保有個人データの利用目的の通知、または保有個人データ、第三者提供記録の開示、訂正等(訂正、追加または削除)、利用停止等(利用の停止または消去)もしくは第三者提供の停止 (以下、「開示等」といいます。) の求めにつきましては、下記連絡先にて承ります。
- 保有個人データの開示等の求めの手続き
当社が保有するお客様の個人情報の確認・変更を含め、利用目的の通知、利用停止または消去、および第三者提供の停止を要請されたい場合には、上記「1. お問い合わせ窓口」までご連絡ください。なお、個人情報の保管状況またはその性質上、お客様のご要望に応じることができないことがあることをあらかじめご了承ください。
- 開示等を請求できる方
開示等の求めができる方はお客様本人とし、本人に対して開示等を行うものとします。なお、本人の病気等でやむを得ない場合には、代理人 (未成年者または成年被後見人の法定代理人[親権者、後見人]および任意代理人[本人が開示等請求の委任をした者]から請求があった場合は開示等に応じます。) 宛に送付させていただきます。
(2) 開示等請求の手続き
- お問い合わせ窓口に所定の請求書をご請求いただきます。
- 当社は原則、お客様本人が当社に届け出ている住所に郵送により請求書を送付します。
- 請求書に必要事項を記入し、当社が定める必要書類を添付のうえ、ご返送いただきます。
- お客様の大切な書類ですので簡易書留でご郵送ください。
東京都葛飾区立石5丁目24番8号 コーポ大和2階
(3) 開示等請求の手続きに必要な書類
- 運転免許証のコピー
- 在留カードまたは、特別永住者証明書(外国人登録証明書)のコピー
- 個人番号カード (マイナンバーカード)のコピー
※2本人が署名し実印を捺印した委任状と本人の印鑑登録証明書 (発行日から3カ月以内)
- 公共料金の請求書・領収書 (電気・ガス・水道いずれか)
※ 現住所の建物名や部屋番号等まで正しく記載されている必要があります
※ インターネットからプリントアウトした請求書・明細書は不可
- 住民票
※ 住民票は、本籍地および個人番号 (マイナンバー) の記載がないもの
※ 発行から3カ月以内
(4) 開示請求の手数料
(5) 保有個人データの開示等の求めに対する回答方法
(6) 開示等の請求に伴い取得した個人情報の利用目的
Updated 2024/10/10
English Translation Version
(Powered by Google Cloud Translation)
- Contact point
- New IT Venture Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) will accept requests for notification of the purpose of use of retained personal data, or for disclosure, correction, etc. (correction, addition or deletion), suspension of use, etc. (suspension or deletion) or suspension of third-party provision of retained personal data and records of third-party provision (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, etc.”) at the following contact points.
- In addition, complaints regarding the handling of personal information will be accepted at the following contact points.
- NITV Customer Service Center
TEL: 03-5650-5430
Reception hours: 9:30-18:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and New Year’s holidays)
- Procedure for requesting disclosure, etc. of retained personal data
If you would like to request notification of the purpose of use, suspension or deletion of use, and suspension of third-party provision, including confirmation or change of your personal information held by our company, please contact “1. Contact point” above. Please note that we may not be able to meet your request due to the nature or storage status of the personal information.
(1) Who can request disclosure, etc.
The person who can request disclosure, etc. is the customer himself, and disclosure, etc. will be made to the customer himself. If it is unavoidable due to illness, etc., we will send it to the representative (if a request is made by a legal representative [parent or guardian] of a minor or adult ward, or a voluntary representative [a person to whom the customer has delegated the request for disclosure, etc.], we will respond to the request).
(2) Procedure for requesting disclosure, etc.
– Please follow the procedure below to request disclosure, etc. of retained personal data.
1) Please request a designated invoice from the inquiry desk.
2) In principle, we will send the invoice by mail to the address that the customer has registered with us.
3) Please fill in the necessary information on the invoice, attach the necessary documents specified by our company, and return it to us.
4) Please send it by registered mail, as it is an important document for the customer.
<Return address>
2F, Kopo Yamato Building, 5-24-8 Tateishi, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo 124-0012
New IT Venture Co., Ltd.
Customer Support
(3) Documents required for disclosure request procedures
If the requester is the person himself/herself
– Documents to prove identity (any one of the following)
- Copy of driver’s license
- Copy of residence card or special permanent resident certificate (foreigner registration certificate)
- Individual number card (My Number card) copy
*My Number notification cards cannot be accepted as identity verification documents or supporting documents
If the requester is a legal representative (voluntary representative)
・Documents to prove identity
・Documents to prove the qualifications of the legal representative*1 (voluntary representative*2)
*1If the parent is the legal representative of a minor, a copy of the family register and resident’s certificate (within 3 months from the date of issue) showing both the principal and the representative and their relationship
*2A power of attorney signed by the principal and stamped with the principal’s official seal and the principal’s seal registration certificate (within 3 months from the date of issue)
Supporting documents (If the name and address on the identity verification document are not up to date, please submit them together)
- Utility bill or receipt (electricity, gas, or water)
*The building name and room number of the current address must be correctly written
*Bills and statements printed from the Internet are not acceptable
- Resident’s certificate
*Resident’s certificate must not show the permanent domicile or personal number (My Number)
* Within 3 months of issue
(4) Disclosure request fee
A disclosure fee of 1,000 yen (tax included) is required for each application. We will inform you of the bank details when you make a disclosure request.
(5) Method of response to requests for disclosure, etc. of retained personal data
We will respond in writing to the address to which the invoice was sent.
(6) Purpose of use of personal information obtained in connection with a request for disclosure, etc.
Personal information obtained in connection with a request for disclosure, etc. will be handled only to the extent necessary for the request for disclosure, etc. Documents submitted will be stored for 6 months after the response to the request for disclosure, etc. has been completed, and will then be discarded.